Jenna Lowry » Q2 Documents

Q2 Documents

December 11 - 19, 2023
Frederick Douglass Informational Essay Documents
December 8, 2023
Organizing an Essay Guided Notes
December 4, 2023
8B: Su2, L14 Write - Sentence Stems
November 17, 2023
Literacy Poster PowerPoint
October 10, 2023
Bell Work:
Amplify Vocab App (8B: Su2, L1 - Part 1)
- Students looked back over the Narrative Rubric, the Mars & The Moon passages, and the prompt that goes with the passages. Then, they read three separate student responses. Finally, they were given the TNReady score and the explanations as to how / why those papers received that score for each section.
- Students reviewed plot / plot diagrams. Then, we watched a short video called "Learn the Plot Diagram by Comparing Superhero Movies." Finally, they watched a short clip from Bao and labeled the different details that went with each of the five sections of the plot diagram. (Plot overview - "Narrative Essay Plot" PPT)
- Students received their 8A Narrative Essay Graphic Organizer. They will begin working on the graphic organizer tomorrow.
October 9, 2023
Bell Work:
Amplify Vocab App (8B: Su2, L1 - Part 1)
- Students took guided notes over the TNReady Narrative Writing Rubric (Rubric - "TNReady Narrative Rubric" PDF; Guided Notes - "Narrative Rubric Guided Notes" PPT)
- As a class, we read the following two passages: "Excerpt from Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void" and "Excerpt from 'Pioneering Space Requires Living Off the Land in the Solar System.'" As we read, we filled in the Narrative Writing Text Structure Matrix graphic organizer. (passages - "Mars and The Moon" PDF; graphic organizer - "Narrative Text Structure Matrix")