Evan Cunningham
SpEd R.I.S.E. Teacher
615.904.6765 ext 31320
-Please check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office.
-Use Clever to access assignments in Kiddom.
-At home learners needing more information about distant learning click here
-Contact me to obtain online textbook information for this class. You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.
Please watch this orientation video to see the SpEd Staff: https://youtu.be/cPzFR4A0Kug
Please watch this orientation video about Room 216: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJwbXA_VscI
Office Hours:
11:00-11:30 M-F
The Special Education Department at Whitworth Buchanan Middle School makes a commitment to education. We challenge the students to enhance their knowledge using the inclusion and intervention model. The students are held to a high level of learning throughout the school year. We look forward to helping the student develop the skills to be successful in life.
Please feel free to email me or call my extension and leave a voicemail any time for questions or concerns you have about your student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) or their individual academic needs.
Special Education Resources:
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!! -Aubrey Hepburn
The dictionary is the only place you will find success before work!! -Vince Lombardi
615-904-6765 ext:31320