Miss Moore's Music Page

Miss Mary Margaret Moore is originally from West Tennessee, but now calls Middle Tennessee her home. Miss Moore took her Bachelor of Science degree from Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee where she also received her certification in K-12 instrumental music and K-12 vocal/general music. Miss Moore took her Master's  in the area of K-12 Curriculum and Instruction from Middle Tennessee State University. She is the music specialist and choral director at Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School. She has played at the Cumberland County Playhouse and with the TTU Symphony Band, Jazz Band, Vanderbilt and Cookeville community bands, Nashville Flute Choir, and is currently on the roster and on the Board of the Tennessee Valley Winds. Some of her accomplishments include being named to the National Music Committee of the Society of the Colonial Dames CDXVIIC in Washington, D.C. and the A.R. McAllister research paper placed in the prestigious VanderCook College of Music library in Chicago, Illinois.
Miss Moore is a member of NAfME, TMEA, MTVA, ACDA, and Alpha Delta Kappa, the international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

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