Exploratory Procedures/Classroom Safety/Learning Expectations/Success Criteria/Grading

Exploratory Procedures for keeping students safe in the art room!
Upon entering the art room, students should:
Be ready to learn,
Be respectful,
Be safe!

To maintain a safe and productive learning environment, all art students should:
Show respect     Follow directions      No physical contact with other students 

Consequences Specific to Exploratory Visual Arts for Behavior and Tardies to Class:
#2-Call home and possible classroom consequence (Alternative assignment, isolation, restorative, seating change, guidance referral
Administrative referral

Tardies to Class:
Tardies are counted per nine weeks for classroom tardiness.
1st  Tardy-Warning/Teacher Documents
2nd Tardy-Documented by teacher/parent contact
3rd Tardy- administrative referral

Exploratory Team Procedures
Before Class

Students will line up in designated areas in the hall and await entry to classroom while teachers monitor the halls. (straight line along the wall, low voices)

Students will NOT be allowed to enter the restroom before class without permission from teacher.

During Class

Students may get permission to go to the restroom, one at a time, with agenda.

Students will follow all school rules and procedures while in class.

All school rules and consequences apply to Exploratory classes.


Be Respectful.

  • Follow directions of adults the first time you hear them.
  • Be respectful of yourself, others, and property.
  • Use appropriate tone, voice, and words.

Be Responsible.

  • Bring required materials to class.
  • Stay on task and allow others to stay on task.
  • Follow expectations in the WBMS student handbook.

Be Ready.

  • Come to class ready to learn.
  • Begin working at your seat when class starts.
  • Always have your agenda with you.



Teachers and administration reserve the right to make changes as needed during the school year.


  1. Stay free of teacher zones.
  2. Remain silent during announcements, emergencies, and safety drills.
  3. Bring your assigned device, agenda, and appropriate class materials each day.
  4. Stay in your seat unless permission to move is granted by the teacher.
  5. If you are not feeling well or need assistance, alert the teacher to get the help you need.
  6. Follow directions quickly – defiance is not acceptable.
  7. Actively listen to others and wait for your turn to speak – do not blurt out or cause classroom disruptions.
  8. No food in class.
  9. Only water bottles with lids are permitted – no other drinks or mix-ins.
  10. Clean up after yourself daily – alert the teacher if you need assistance with a spill, etc.
  11. Passes to leave the classroom must be recorded in the student agenda and signed by the teacher.
  12. Passes to the nurse must be filled out by the teacher before leaving the classroom.
  13. Requests for guidance appointments during class must be scheduled by the teacher.
  14. Cell phones are for academic use only – using a cell phone without permission results in an office referral.


When a student repeatedly fails to meet expectations or is frequently late to class, teachers will follow these steps:

  1. Verbal warning and reminder of expectations
  2. Contact student’s caregiver
  3. Administrative referral

After Class

Students will be dismissed by teacher at appropriate mini school time.

Students will exit the hall promptly. (no restroom without permission)


Learning Expectations:


  • ALL students will participate in visual arts classes DAILY on a nine-week rotation. 

  • All visual arts lessons are based on the Tennessee State Standards for Visual Arts Grades 6-8

The following links are the Rutherford County Schools Curriculum Guides for Grades 6, 7, 8.

6th Grade Visual Arts Curriculum Guide
7th Grade Visual Arts Curriculum Guide

8th Grade Visual Arts Curriculum Guide



All classes for the 9-week grading period will be using pencils for drawing exercises and other materials will be provided by the school. The lessons will create a foundation for future art production and students should be respectful with the art supplies provided.


Supplies: Printer Paper provided, art pencils and sketchbook, if desired (not provided by school). 

You may purchase a sketchbook and "drawing" or "design pencils" (Various H and B art pencils), but you are responsible for keeping up with these materials.

Other supplies provided as needed including drawing and watercolor paper.


#2 pencil and printer paperdrawing pencils and sketchbooksketchbook


  • Success Criteria: "I can complete foundational drawing exercises to improve my drawing skills by using the elements of art and principles of design in my artwork".

DAILY LESSON FORMAT for Exploratory Visual Arts:

Students will complete a daily assignment that consists of a bell activity (#1), a drawing assignment (#2), and an exit ticket (#3).  



Daily lessons: 

#1-Bell Activity-think like an artist and write a couple of sentences explaining the "meaning" of the quote...be the artist. There will be a different quote each day, and there is no right or wrong answer (just don't write "I don't know!").

Think creatively and think like an artist trying to come up with ideas to put on paper!


#2-Drawing Lessons and Exercises. Many activities listed to enhance creativity and artistic confidence are taken from the book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. We will progress from creativity exercises to developing a foundation for drawing in detail, working carefully and thoughtfully, not trying to 'hurry' and finish, but create a calm, creative, and productive environment.


#3-Exit Ticket-Sit Quietly and Reflect on the art production for the day/A minute to mindfulness-sit quietly and reflect on the lesson, and how you might approach it differently or put more effort and creativity in your work. Visualize how you did your best and took your time to make your art production neat and detailed, and how you added to your foundation for drawing/creating art work by writing down 2 or 3 words. You may have felt frustrated, calm, happy, joyful; you may simply note how you feel each day during the class.

  • Be intentionally thoughtful.

  • Your grade in my class is always based on participation and effort. You do not need a natural talent or ability to make a good grade in this exploratory visual arts class.

  • Each 9 week grading period we will be completing daily drawing exercises as an introduction to the class. Do the best that you can and put effort into your work/drawings. If you do not take the drawing lessons seriously and spend time on your work, you will not benefit from the instruction.

  • Daily Assignment/Participation=Students will receive a daily grade for completion of their assignment and participation. If students are not on task, and take their time so that the artwork is detailed and neat, the grading scale will be as follows:

  • Specific guidelines (rubric) for your grades in art class:

  • Drawing Assignment Expectations:

  • 100% - pays attention to detail, neat, follows the directions of the assignment

  • 90%- pays attention to detail, somewhat neat, follows directions of the assignment

  • 80%- work is somewhat detailed, somewhat neat, does not clearly follow the directions of the assignment

  • 70%- work is not detailed, not neat, and does not clearly follow the directions of the assignment

  • 60%- work is not detailed, not neat, and does not follow the directions of the assignment at all

  • Zero-No work turned in-10 points each day work is late. This late assignment deduction of points includes the bell activity and reflection, and the drawing assignments.